sword coin
Trust App can be used for transferring Sword Coin You only need to add Sword Coin address and details to Trust App:
Network: Ethereum
Contract Address: 0x4619df2ca5795834edda178610b6adb46acf47a9
Name: Sword Coin
Symbols: SWDC
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 SWDC
To add sword coin on Trust Wallet copy and paste contract address
You can trade SWDC CFDs on www.sword-capital.com Download Metatrader5 (Server Name: Sword)
Also you can trade SWDC on Uniswap
Network: Ethereum
Contract Address: 0x4619df2ca5795834edda178610b6adb46acf47a9
Name: Sword Coin
Symbols: SWDC
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 SWDC
To add sword coin on Trust Wallet copy and paste contract address
You can trade SWDC CFDs on www.sword-capital.com Download Metatrader5 (Server Name: Sword)
Also you can trade SWDC on Uniswap